
Posted by Mesmorino in , , , ,

You just know I had to drop a hot one (like it's hot!).

Let me explain my absence. School started last September and well, I had things to do. Anyway, back to... Whatever it is we do around here. All the tv shows I like watching ended a season and they haven't started back up, I've not got an ETA on them, and what with the aforementioned school, I haven't really had time to wonder about them. The Unit, Stargate Universe, Flashforward, they're all on hold. I occasionally see them on tv but they're re-runs. At least I think they are. I can always jump in again later anyway.

In other news, I saw Avatar in the cinema, and... it was good. Very good. That is all I will say about it, because it's slightly anvilicious but once you get past that (or if you can), it's a very good action movie. Come to think of it, I've seen a lot of new movies lately Videogames also keep coming out and I'm still on the fringe, seeing as I have no money to buy them. I do have a hit list though! Oh yeah, My computer's also making funny noises. I do not know what to do and I'm putting it down to old age, seeing as I installed Windows 7 on it... Oh well, if it dies, new computer! I probably shouldn't be thinking about it like that but oh well. On the bright side, I've been reading a lot of novels lately... Reviews to come later, methinks.

All in all, it was a good 2009. Looking very forward to 2010, mostly for the movies but also because well, it's a new year. I can't wait for summer


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