
Posted by ElGatoGamer

This is not a review, and as such might contain spoilers.

Okay, you played the first Fable, right? On the first xbox? Sure you did. You know all about how some dude killed your sister (but not really), then you found her, then you had to stop some renegade hero from destroying the world with ULTIMATE POWER.

Fable 2 is set between 300-500 years after the first game, in the same world. There are fewer places to visit, but man those places are HUGE. Naturally, all the advances time brings are visible in the world, the major (but not only) addition being guns. Awwww yeahhh. And not just any guns either, they go from flintlock pistols (Jack Sparrow FTW!)to clockwork rifles, and they're very well implemented. All the same things in the first fable are back, the thing is that while they might seem new, they're mostly just improved and exapanded upon. Like, where you could fart in the first game, in this one you can now extend the action, with dire consequences if you do it wrong or so i'm told (by the loading screen tips). I haven't had the courage to see just what might happen, but i strongly suspect it involves the words poo, and pants.

You can also get jobs now, because in 500 years the citizens of Albion wised up and stopped paying Heroes to be Heroic. I'm not sure "wised up" is the right phrase here, as there is now absolutely no motivation to help them out. If you need money, you gotta get a job, son. I like the jobs, they're a nice addition but i don't like how they're the easiest way to earn money. You can also gamble, and certain quests to give out cash payments, but gambling involves loss, and quests involve legwork so a job is by far the easiest/safest. Quests can get you dead, but we'll get to that in a bit. To make money, you can buy property (i've got my eye on this big ass castle but i keep getting sidetracked by more property to buy) such as businesses and houses, rent out the latter or live in them.

In Fable 2, Death is not permanent. Or even existent. When you "die" you get knocked out, lose all the experience orbs (gloowy, shiiiny orrrbs) lying around, and you get a scar. That's it. There is thus nothing to be afraid of in the more epic battles, because you respawn in the very same location and carry on with the fight. It does become a pain when you're hopelessly outnumbered, but that's it. In the game, you can also change certain cities/towns by your actions, but that's fairly limited in that there's only about two i noticed. There are probably more, but that's all i've seen. They're well done though, and i'm already planning a second playthrough, just to see what they would have turned out like if i'd done the other thing.

Ha, all this and i haven't gotten to the dog yet. There is no map in the game view, just in the pause screen, and even then you have to go into the quests/maps view. The dog is your in game radar/early warning system/sidekick/back up. He'll help you as much as you let him, by finding treasure in chests or buried. He's not really useful as a fighter unless you invest in him, but he's good for companionship, because otherwise it would just be you running about aimlessly in this huge world. With the dog, you can run around aimlessly because the dog will alert you to stuff you might have missed. He doesn't actually point the way to quests because there's a gold trail that leads you to your target. That can be turned off, and i think the dog might then pick up the slack as without the dog or the trail, getting around would be a major annoyance. He doesn't seem to be able to attack human or larger enemies unless they're on the ground, but that might just be me losing track of him. When i'm surrounded by 60 hollowmen, the dog is the least of my worries. He can be injured but not killed and it's in your interest to heal him as he won't be able to keep up and point out the all important treasure, plus all that whining gets irritating. When in towns he's well behaved, but the villagers always want to pet him, holding him up and making you wait for the animation to finish so you can check out that alley behind the shop. You can also name him (i called mine Dawg, because i'm a cat person), buy him treats, collars, a ball, and teach him tricks.

If you haven't explored the entire world by the time you finish the storyline, choose the family option. You won't regret it, and you can always start another game to get the other options.

There are lots more things to do, like get married, have kids, get married more than once, pick up prostitutes, have an orgy (no, seriously), start a party, get drunk, go on a killing spree, grow horns, and so on. It's... bigger, and better. There IS new stuff, but not a whole lot of it. What's there is extremely good though, and will keep you entertained for hours because what's not new has been drastically improved upon.

Watch out for Nicky The Nickname though.


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