In The Future, We Will All Have Time Machines  

Posted by Mesmorino

No really, we will.

A common objection to the idea or possibility of time machines is that if they were going to be made, someone would have come back already. I think this is faulty logic, starting with the assumption that they'd have any reason to come back at all. If I had a time machine, I would not travel into the past beyond... 1970. I think that's when the modern age got born, with it taking off around the 90s. I most certainly would not go anywhere near 1950 and beyond. This is the time when everybody was afraid of sputnik (go see The Iron Giant), and then i turn up in a field with a shimmering piece of high-no, future technology? The Government (whichever one it was) would be on me so fast it would seem pre-planned.

Same with the future people. Maybe time machines won't be invented until the year 3325, and everybody suddenly realises that "Oh crap, I can't go back beyond the year 3000, because I won't have anywhere to dock my brain port, plus I get all those feeds from rsat-32ghd (residential satellite number 32, geographic channel hd. Naturally) and that satellite hasn't been built yet, let alone sent into orbit. But where does that leave them? well, it gives them 325 years of their own history to play around in. Hell, i wouldn't want to go beyond 1995 (primarily because of Win95), and even that is a last resort. I'd still have to deal with absolutely no internet connection, or at least be limited to dial up. And not the kind we all love to complain about either, I'm talking about the 9.6kbps era. Man, just thinking about it gives me shivers, no really. The things we take for granted are so interwoven into our daily lives, why on earth would we want to suffer culture shock from our own past? I'd rather have culture shock brought on by aliens.

Another conceit is the idea that a time traveller would announce himself as such. Yeah, because the first thing i'd do when travelling to 1973 would be to say "Whagwanninn bredrin?". You know, because they wouldn't be too astounded by (and suspicious of) my story so i'd have to break into future lingo to prove my claims. Come on people, if we wouldn't do it why do we automatically assume the future people would? For all we know,there are time tourists (along with the time spies, and time cops, obviously) among us, (you know, those people you saw when you were in college, and then again when you finished university and they didn't look any older) quietly directing the course of human technology- perhaps making sure the time machine itself will be invented, setting off a number of paradoxes that result in a rogue time stream that the time cops then have to shut down.

There's a movie in there somewhere, i'm certain of it. Anyway, for your amusement-
Twenty Fun Things To Do With A Time Machine


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