Midnight Club LA  

Posted by Mesmorino in , ,

So I just watched a review of this game on youtube. The guy talks about the game, but he doesn't actually review it. He just says how it's a great game, how it's similar to GTA4 (a similarity i don't see myself). Sure it's a great game, sure it had a lot of customisation options, but what about the gameplay itself? I thought i'd take a crack at it.

Okay so it's a racing game, you win races, you get money, you get more/better cars. It's not original in that respect, but whatever. It's got a story, a premise for why you'd want to be street racing to begin with, but it's extremely threadbare as it should be. On the other hand, I actually found myself liking the characters and their lines whenever they came up. I gather the new guy needs to win either respect or rep, before he can be taken seriously and allowed to race with the pros. The City's the real star of the game, i found it very intelligently designed. I'm not sure whether that's a testament to the skill of the game designers, or the city planners who designed Los Angeles itself. Whatever, it's actually fun to drive around in. The GPS map system is also cool, your map view is a live (besides you, of course) representation of the city night and day. I don't like how you can't zoom in though. Instead of a proper zoom, it tilts the view in and out.

I also don't like the cops. Not only are they much too aggressive, they are everywhere. I've been busted for stopping behind some other car at a red light. I've been busted on my way to an event, dumped at the police station, then busted again the second time i made my way to the event. I think a patch or something made it so they don't have a chance of appearing in all races, only some, but in free roam there's no such luck. If you see a cop coming, don't just park and wait for him to go by, actively avoid him. Do a handbrake turn, and go the other way. These days I free roam online, because there are no missions, no pedestrians, and most definitely no cops.

Another thing i don't like is the mission acquisition system. You get missions by way of a call on your t-mobile sidekick. Not a problem in itself, the problem comes because the sidekick blocks your mini map entirely. Sure you can dismiss it, but considering that the main map is also unavailable while it's blocked, it's a pretty big negative. For some reason (maybe it's just me), it also pops up at the worst of times. Like, in the middle of a Freeway race, or when the cops are after me, or in a Red Light race. I really hate getting missions in Midnight Club LA. A little envelop would have sufficed to let me know I had mail afterall.

I don't like night time in the city, because the races automatically become harder. For some reason, even though you flash your high beams at other drivers to initiate a race, you can't toggle them on or off for night driving. And your low beams are nowhere near bright enough. The game is also unfairly hard. Apparently it used to be insanely hard, but now it's just unfair. I don't know how to explain it, but it's not just rubberbanding AI, or magically increased traffic density. It's the feeling that you're not going to win the race right from the start despite having a car on equal footing with the rest of the pack, and slighty above average skills. Whatever happened to proper difficulty settings? Even though almost nobody plays Halo on Easy, it's still an option. A phrase I heard somewhere regarding easy difficulty is: "My grandma should be able to play it and have fun" or words to that effect.

In the game's defence, winning all the races is only a required for some of them, not all. I think you have to win all the mission based ones but the free roam races can be lost, and you'll still get money and rep (more for winning, obviously). That's basically what i've been doing although there's this one race that i still can't win, despite changing up to a better car. Hum. The game's audio is weird. It sounds like they mixed the music with the sfx, meaning the engines always sound louder than the music, and both sound louder than the mission descriptions. This is also a problem i have with Burnout Paradise so it might actually be something to do with my set up.

It's a really good game, the cars handle as expected, sound as expected to. It's faults are just too... irritating to make you truly enjoy it for long stretches.


Posted by Mesmorino

This right here is a movie i'm looking forward to, but i have to say i'm extremely annoyed by the idiotic IGN people who did the video, along with the critics. The video i'm talking about can be found here: http://uk.movies.ign.com/dor/objects/800318/avatar/videos/Avatar_long_26082009.html;jsessionid=1mbhlnnba8sbt

You notice how they all seem to have this unfounded idea that some guy's taming some creature? That's stupid! The clips shown aren't long enough to infer any such conclusion, all they show is that the creature screams at him, he jumps on, they fly away. End of story. How do you go from that to "Oh, he tames this creature"?! Besides, so what if he's taming a freaking pterodactyl?! If that's the movie's big appeal, it's failed already.

Second, what is the big deal about it being in 3d? SPY KIDS 3 was in 3d, and it was hardly the first! What's the big deal about there being cool monsters? Or is it cool aliens? Neither are new, Star Wars had bigger and badder aliens from the 70s, and so did Alien. So what if the main characters are blue? It's not exactly a special colour or something. They look like Elves from Lord of the Rings, with blue body paint on.

Just to be clear, I'm not hating on the movie itself, it actually looks interesting, and will probably be a pretty good action or sci-fi flick. What i don't like is the brainless hype surrounding it, all over what, less than 10 minutes of footage. None of the movie's themes are new (but that's not a bad thing), but if the story can stand up on its own, then it won't matter. What won't help is stupid "journalists" and "film critics" talking shit without thinking first. "OOoh, it's in 3d! Ooh it's got monsters and aliens! Ooh, the aliens are taming the monsters! Ooh, they're all fighting with human soldiers!" Please. Starship Troopers had monsters who meant business, not these dinosaur wannabes.

Also, watch out for the guy talking about the water's particle effects. Because you know, they just couldn't film real, actual, flowing water so they had to reverse engineer it (obviously) and make a CGI version.


Posted by Mesmorino in , ,

Recently I've been playing [Prototype], following the story of Alex Mercer, jackass extraordinaire. It's a good game, the story goes like this: Alex wakes up in a morgue (literally about to be autopsied) and after an encounter with soldiers, realises he's bulletproof. After deducing that he's been infected with some sort of virus (dude, there's always a virus) he decides to go on a rampage to "Find out who did this" to him, and "Make them pay". I'm not entirely sure why, as i'd say being superstrong, bulletproof, able to leap small buildings with a single bound and simply run up tall ones, able to glide down to the ground from the empire state building or otherwise simply survive the fall would be a good thing. Some people will always just be ungrateful no matter what you do. Anyway that's the intro and as you play along, you get more and more info. The Virus was released in Penn Station. Some elite soldiers called Blackwatch (dude, there are always elite soldiers with a cool name) have been sent into New York to eliminate all traces of the virus, (yeah, because bullets work great against micro-organisms) and in particular, Alex Mercer.

Rather than hiring him and testing the limits of his powers and finding out what makes him tick with his compliance they decide to have a shoot on sight policy (District 9 is also guilty of this). Naturally, given that he's stronger and faster than they are, it doesn't go too well for them whenever a showdown occurs on the mean streets of New York. And boy howdy are they mean. If it's not the Marines jealously guarding their bases, it's the freaking annoying infected getting in your way. If you want to take down a hive, you have to fight the marines AND the infected. On the other hand, if you destroy a base you might- no, will kill a memory strand that's in there. Assuming one's in there. I've infiltrated a couple of bases (no easy task i promise you), only to find it devoid of anyone to consume.

Which brings me to the Web of Intrigue. Alex is slightly amnesiac, meaning he remembers things like siblings and past loves, but not how he ended up in the morgue. So occasionally, while flying around causing trouble, you might spot someone who does know all about the virus (well, their part in it anyway) and what exactly happened. You consume him, you gain his memory, and you learn a bit more about the story. There are a huge number of WOI targets (100+), but there's a slight problem with their acquisition: A large number of them spawn in infected areas so if you're not quick on your feet, one of two things will happen: Either a gorram motherfrakking tank will blow the hell out of your target, or a gruddammed stomm eating infected zombie will pimp slap the hell out of your target, meaning a 5-10min wait for the person to respawn.

I have no idea why they did it like this, or why they couldn't at least make the targets stronger. I mean, there are collectables in the city that you have to find, why couldn't they have made the WOI targets like that? As it is, I've been after a target at least 3 times before giving up and doing something else- Once i grabbed the wrong person and accidentally threw him at my target, second time the tank blew everybody up (talk about overkill, using the main gun when you have two machine guns), and third time, some freaking random zombie slapped the hell out of my target. I was so frustrated i unleashed a devastator attack and killed everybody in the area. The game is remarkably good though inane in parts (in favour of gameplay, it must be noted), and it is decidedly frustrating. The only reason i got through it, was that i played it on easy. I can't imagine doing it on hard.

Heh and to think, I was gonna talk about 3 different games.

In The Future, We Will All Have Time Machines  

Posted by Mesmorino

No really, we will.

A common objection to the idea or possibility of time machines is that if they were going to be made, someone would have come back already. I think this is faulty logic, starting with the assumption that they'd have any reason to come back at all. If I had a time machine, I would not travel into the past beyond... 1970. I think that's when the modern age got born, with it taking off around the 90s. I most certainly would not go anywhere near 1950 and beyond. This is the time when everybody was afraid of sputnik (go see The Iron Giant), and then i turn up in a field with a shimmering piece of high-no, future technology? The Government (whichever one it was) would be on me so fast it would seem pre-planned.

Same with the future people. Maybe time machines won't be invented until the year 3325, and everybody suddenly realises that "Oh crap, I can't go back beyond the year 3000, because I won't have anywhere to dock my brain port, plus I get all those feeds from rsat-32ghd (residential satellite number 32, geographic channel hd. Naturally) and that satellite hasn't been built yet, let alone sent into orbit. But where does that leave them? well, it gives them 325 years of their own history to play around in. Hell, i wouldn't want to go beyond 1995 (primarily because of Win95), and even that is a last resort. I'd still have to deal with absolutely no internet connection, or at least be limited to dial up. And not the kind we all love to complain about either, I'm talking about the 9.6kbps era. Man, just thinking about it gives me shivers, no really. The things we take for granted are so interwoven into our daily lives, why on earth would we want to suffer culture shock from our own past? I'd rather have culture shock brought on by aliens.

Another conceit is the idea that a time traveller would announce himself as such. Yeah, because the first thing i'd do when travelling to 1973 would be to say "Whagwanninn bredrin?". You know, because they wouldn't be too astounded by (and suspicious of) my story so i'd have to break into future lingo to prove my claims. Come on people, if we wouldn't do it why do we automatically assume the future people would? For all we know,there are time tourists (along with the time spies, and time cops, obviously) among us, (you know, those people you saw when you were in college, and then again when you finished university and they didn't look any older) quietly directing the course of human technology- perhaps making sure the time machine itself will be invented, setting off a number of paradoxes that result in a rogue time stream that the time cops then have to shut down.

There's a movie in there somewhere, i'm certain of it. Anyway, for your amusement-
Twenty Fun Things To Do With A Time Machine

The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted.  

Posted by Mesmorino

Actually, I think it will.

Through the vagaries of social osmosis, I am aware of the phrase "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised". I have absolutely no idea how, when or why I know it, it's just one of those things. I think it was supposed to mean that (social) revolution was not something that would happen and then you'd be told about it, but rather that it's something everybody would be a part of at the same time.

Cue 2009 and half the world is on Facebook, and the other half is on Twitter. I'm on facebook, I find it a useful tool for keeping in touch with people I haven't seen (and barely remember) in decades. Over the last few days though, I joined Twitter, and i'm still not entirely sure why. Or what to do with it now. I'm following Major Nelson so I can get updates on xboxy stuff. I'm following IGN so I can get updates on news/developments/new games. Except, I already go to IGN every couple of days, and Major Nelson doesn't post stuff I'm actually interested in that much. I get that it's supposed to be a platform for "what are you doing?", but my response to that (no, really) is "who wants to know?" Both in the paranoid sense, and as a genuine question. Who really does want to know? The people who might be interested in what I'm doing already have my cellphone number, and as for making friends with similar interests... I already have a Gears of War 2 posse, and I'd really prefer something like facebook, so i could a) see what you look like, b) find out a bit more about you, and c) send a proper message, not one that's limited to 140 characters.

I dunno, I think I'm getting grumpy in my old age, what with all this new tech and "stuff". I want my technology to have true value, true worth. Right now Twitter just seems to have made people walking RSS feeds. I tried seeing which of my friends are on Twitter (because you know, Facebook juuuust doesn't give enough up to the minute information) but apparently none of them are. :/ So this is me, all dressed up and nowhere to go. Or anyone to go with. So... Yeah. I think the revolution will be tweeted, but it'll be by the next generation... more likely the one after that. Heh, I can just picture a Neo-Ché with an AK47 in one hand, iPhone in the other, desperately tweeting how the battle is going to all his foreign supporters.

Who then shake their heads in sympathy, and go right back to watching America's Got Talent.

The Singularity  

Posted by Mesmorino in , ,

Do you remember when cell phones didn't have loudspeakers? Or cameras? Or colour screens? How about touchscreens, do you remember when cell phones didn't have those? Hopefully, you do. Afterall it's been less than a decade since the first one hit the market. I remember my first mobile phone. It was a green Alcatel, i forget which model. Bought at Woolworths (may they rest in peace) for £35. It was so retro, it had an external antenna. This was circa 2000. it's screen was about 1.5cm tall, and it could only send text messages in all caps, and could only store 10 of them. I loved it to bits. Where am I going with this? Well the thing is, given the rate at which new technology is incorporated into everything, soon enough a time is gonna come when you won't be able to walk down the street without a cell phone advertising itself to you, via your phone.

A phone isn't just a phone anymore. Yes yes, old news but take a look at where this phenomenon is leading us to. The Alcatel phone i was talking about could only make calls. It could not record music, or play music, and forget about anything to do with image capture. But now, for a phone to even have a hope of competing in the market, it's got to have all these "features", that at least half of us will never use. The hard drives get bigger, the phones get smaller, the camera megapixel counts go up, and nobody seems to wonder, where will it stop? Take a modern-ish laptop. it's got the hard drive, it probably has a webcam built into the lid and of course, it'll have a media player installed with the OS. At a glance, it already does exactly what the cell phone's offering, and probably does it better. It's screen is bigger than the entire cell phone, it's hdd is bigger, and you can do other things on a laptop. Forgetting the professional uses- programming, image processing/design, etc, - it can play full length movies without worrying about a dying battery. It's a much better prospect for whatever the cell phone wants to do and with the availability of skype it even manages to encroach on the telephony skills of the phone

So... where will the two meet? Will phones get more like computers, or will computers get more like phones? Given the difference in usage, the former seems more likely, but does that mean phones will become obsolete? I don't know, but I do know i spend a hell of a lot more time at my computer (on the order of several hours a day) than on my phone and if my computer could make telephone calls that could be billed to my phone contract (as opposed to taking another contract with skype), with my contacts list seamlessly updated from phone to pc... I wouldn't ever use my phone for anything. Unless I was away from the computer... Heh, I can hear you say, "that's the point!". Except, it's not.

A mobile phone is not a mobile computer, (that's a laptop) or an extension of a computer (that's a pda) but it sure looks like they're going that way. The newest phones currently exist in an ill-defined niche of their own making. They're only called phones because they possess telephony capabilities (which computers, and hell, even the humble psp also do), and they make use of traditional telephone network systems.

This is just an observation on the nature of things... So no one will be surprised when their phones want to dock with the pc so they can get all the latest data from wherever. And yes, I know they already can. I'm talking about when they start wanting to.

Where are the levels at?  

Posted by slash2k01

When was the last time you played a video game on a console that had numbered levels? It was so much easier to say to you mates, "I'm up to Level 13" or "I'm stuck on world 3 level 6". Now you have to elaborate with crap like "I've just got past the bit where his mate gets poisoned by the mutant fish frog and you have to go down the black hole to retrieve stone/gem type thing that I need to take to [insert stupid plot points here]".

